Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm back...

But very sad and lonely without my honey. We had a good trip it was fun but it took me forever to get used to things. I feel like i finally started getting used to things when we were leaving. We left Kansas City July 30th. We drove all day and stayed the night in San Antonio, TX. We got up early the morning of the 31st and went down to the Riverwalk and walked along there for a bit then went back to the truck to head on out to Mexico. We finally get to Mexico and go into Nuevo Laredo and change our dollars to pesos and get mexican car insurance for the trip. We leave there and head for the ranch(Doctor Arroyo, Mexico). We get about 20-30 minutes down the road and MExican immigration stops us. Turns out we need a car permit and tourist permits. Duh i guess we should have known that. So we go back to Nuevo Laredo and get all of this taken care of. By this time it is almost 3pm and we werent sure what to do because we werent sure if they were gonna let Chino back into his own country because we forgot to bring his birth certificate! So we decided to stay the night in a SWEET room at the Holiday Inn Express there in Nuevo Laredo and we got to just relax and swim. That night Chino's mom faxed over his birth certificate. So the next morning we were set to go...we make it through Mexican immigration and breathed a sigh of relief. Chino was just getting more and more excited! So FINALLY on August 1st around 5pm we get to his family's ranch house where we were met with a BUNCH of family members. It was a big giant cry fest. But it was sooo exciting. We just hung out that night and caught up and unloaded the truck and relaxed a bit. The next day, Saturday August 2nd, was the day of the quinceanera. So early that morning we went into town to go get stuff like clothes and food, etc for the party. Than we came back and got ready for the party. It was soo cool. Chino's cousin, Selene, who's party it was was sooo beautiful. The party started with a church type service then a bull roping event then back to the ranch for food and a band and dancing. I was exhausted after all that. Then on Sunday morning most of the family left to go back to Monterrey, so it was kinda quiet. We ended up leaving to go to Monterrey on Tuesday morning. It was nice to get back to the city. I am NOT a middle of nowhere type of girl. LOL. We got to Monterrey around 1pm Tuesday and packed everyone up and went to the Parque Espana down the street and went swimming. IT was so fun! Wednesday we really didnt do much except hang out at the house. Thursday Adrian woke up sick and that night we took him to see a doctor where they gave him some meds and a shot. I couldnt even go back and comfort my little boy because i didnt speak enough Spanish. Only Chino could go back with Adrian. Ugh. Friday Adrian seemed to be better but still had diarreah. Saturday was the same. Saturday i was really itching to get out of the house and go somewhere so we went to this area that had a bunch of shops and they had a McDonalds! LOL We ate at McDonalds and then went shopping for a bit. We got back home and started getting ready for our trip home the next day. Sunday morning we got up...loaded up and headed to Nuevo Laredo to cross the border. Chino and his mom went as far as they could with us then we had to say goodbye. That was probably the hardest moment of my life. Knowing i had to leave my honey in a different country and not knowing when or how he would be getting back. I was balling and so was he. I finally had to let him go and we got int he truck and continued in line to cross the border. It took all i had not to turn back around and stay there. So we get to the border and they make us go to a different line and take out all of our luggage and inspect it all and bring a dog in to smell everything. Good thing i didnt try to smuggle Chino in one of my suitcases . Dont get me wrong..it was a thought but i wouldnt ever do it as much as i wanted to. So of course everything was fine we load back up and continue on our 2 day drive home. I am glad to be home but everything here reminds me of Chino. I want him back so bad. I am even going so far as to thinking about going back down there....

BY the way as soon as i sort out all the pics i will add them in a post....there are a ton...

1 comment:

Heather said...

sounds so much like my trip to brasil except the getting sick part. I know your sad but I have faith you will be together sooner than later. Chino is working hard to get home to his family.
