Parenting a 3 year old and all the other things life has to offer.
Friday, December 12, 2008
What a day!
Yesterday was my good friend Lisa's daughter's 2nd birthday! We always go over to her house and Adrian plays with the kids so we went over there yesterday to celebrate then I was going to babysit the kids while Lisa and her husband went to his work party last night. Well Sarah and Adrian were playing with crates on their heads and Sarah fell into the windowsill. She had a huge cut above her eye and so we called the ambulance. They came said she would need stitches but they didn't NEED to take her. So Lisa's hubby came home and off they went to Children's Mercy! They finally get back at the time they are supposed to be at the party so they didn't get to go! Sarah is fine now, and had a memorable 2nd birthday. When they came home we ate dinner then had cake!!!
El Mirador Trek Part Four: The Big Day
On top of La Danta, El Mirador
*El Mirador Trek Part Four is an installment of my continuing series
documenting my recent trip to Guatemala to explore the ...
Updates and Future Plans
Hey you all!
Its been awhile. I had the best intentions of writing on a regular, or at
least a semi-regular basis, but you know what the saying says... The ...
Back at it
I am trying to get caught up in a lot of things and this blog has been
neglected for far too long. I miss my blog, so I may not be able to do
daily post bu...
Blogging madness: Updates on the way!!
When I first started this blog, I always said that this was going to be
like a journal for my girls to read when they are older. My life used to
be an ope...
Obat sperma agar lambat keluarnya
*Obat sperma agar lambat keluarnya* - Solusi pengobatan untuk ejakulasi
dini, mani cepat keluar saat berhubungan sex dengan menggunakan Vigpower
Capsule ob...
I still have other children who need mommy
Friday is Valentines day! I love this day as well I have been fortunate to
have a Valentine now for 15 years! I love that man but that is another post
Party of Five
Miss Vivienne Pathana (Pah-ten-ah) Horton, born at 6:05 PM, November 20,
2009, 8 lbs 9 oz, 21.25 inches long. Here she is at a mere three weeks old.
I cann...
Spring is here!
You can't believe how happy I am that Spring is here. I get so down and
depressed in the Winter. Only 3 more months till we can start trying to
have a baby...
Meeting #3
Today was my meeting with the social workers. Yes, its plural so that means
there was more than one at this meeting. There was also a woman from a
She will always remember this day! Poor baby! Happy birthday!
OMG!! Poor little thing!!! :(
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