OMG I have missed Jade sooooo much!!! I pretty much raised her and then a couple of years ago they moved about 1.5 hours away and things changed and i hardly get to see her or any of the other girls very much!!! I miss all of them!!!! Anyways Jade was in town with her family for Thanksgiving so she got to come over and spend the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was great having her around. I love her sooo much. Adrian absolutely adored her!!! It was great!! I hope she gets to come back at Christmas!!
I am now the Local Area Representative for the Kansas City area for goAupair!!!! WOOHOO!!!! The answer to my prayers!! I will keep you updated on how it goes!!
Well I answered a Craigslist ad in the childcare section to be a Local Area Representative(LAR) for goAupair. It is an aupair company based out of Utah and I would be working with the families they currently have here in KC as well as recruit new ones, make sure things are going good between the aupair and families, etc. It sounds wonderful! Its part time work out of my house...i would have to go meet with the families and such but i think it is a great opportunity!! So I talked to the lady Friday and she said they would make a decision by Monday or Tuesday!! So please send me your good thoughts that i get the job!!!!!
I have so much to post but i have been too lazy to post LOL....anyways last weekend was fairly boring except a trip to see Chuck E Cheese whom Adrian is scared of! LOL But of course like any kid he loves the games so he still had a great time!! And Daddy is a big kid at heart so he was having just as much fun with the games....
So then on Sunday we had a lazy day and rented movies and had a good time....this week Chino only worked one day!! UGH...they were waiting on an inspection for the house they were working on and so hopefully next week is back to normal.
Thursday night we went to watch Chino's boss and some friends play indoor was fun...Adrian loved watching but had even more fun with the kids that were there.
So now this weekend we haven't done much but we got free tickets to go to the circus last night so we went and had a great time. Chino has never been to a circus before and neither has Adrian and they both loved it, as did I!!!! Adrian was in awe most of the time. The pics i am about to post of it are horrible quality because it was so dark i had to shoot in manual with no flash so they are blurry...i got alot of good videos but i dont feel like waiting for them all to process here so i will post my favorite! LOL It was a great circus though!!!
That's about all i have for the week!!! I will try and keep up on my posting so its not all jumbled like this one LOL!!!!!!
Just wanted to let everyone know!!!! I went around 7am and the lines were freaking HUGE!!! So i waited and went back around 2pm and no wait what-so-ever!!!!
I had a bunch of running around to do today so i went by Lisa's while i was over by her house and we chatted for a while and let the kids play! We also started getting the kids to pose and take was fun!!! Love them!!!
I have had this post on my mind for a while now but wasn't quite ready to post it yet, although I am not sure why. I have to say i am very thankful for my online friends...all of you are great. I am quite thankful for the girls i have met on the net. I find it very interesting that you can talk to someone every day via the internet, phone, email, etc. but have never met them in person! I have one online friend in particular, Heather(yes I am calling you out!), we "met" a couple years ago online and it had grown into a great friendship and although i have never met her, i truly feel she is one of my best friends. I can call her and tell her ANYTHING....and for me, that's not hardly something i an do with my friends IRL that i have known for years. Heather, I just want to tell you how thankful i am for having you in my life and i seriously CANNOT WAIT to meet you and your family!! You are my partner in fitness and someone i can call in the middle of the night for ANYTHING and i hope you feel the same!!! I know this is kinda lame but i had to blog it. I love all my girls online dont get me wrong!!
Today was beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous!! So Lisa called and said they were BBQing so we headed over!!! The kids had a great time in the bounce house and on the swingset and running around and having a great time!!!! The guys talked and drank beer(TOO MUCH OF IT!!) and the girls sat and gossiped!! It was soooo fun!!!!
Adrian received a letter from his friend Aliyah today! It's actually one of the sticker chain things, so we will send it off to 5 of his friends and hopefully within a couple of weeks he will start getting some stickers!!! Fun!
El Mirador Trek Part Four: The Big Day
On top of La Danta, El Mirador
*El Mirador Trek Part Four is an installment of my continuing series
documenting my recent trip to Guatemala to explore the ...
Updates and Future Plans
Hey you all!
Its been awhile. I had the best intentions of writing on a regular, or at
least a semi-regular basis, but you know what the saying says... The ...
Back at it
I am trying to get caught up in a lot of things and this blog has been
neglected for far too long. I miss my blog, so I may not be able to do
daily post bu...
Blogging madness: Updates on the way!!
When I first started this blog, I always said that this was going to be
like a journal for my girls to read when they are older. My life used to
be an ope...
Obat sperma agar lambat keluarnya
*Obat sperma agar lambat keluarnya* - Solusi pengobatan untuk ejakulasi
dini, mani cepat keluar saat berhubungan sex dengan menggunakan Vigpower
Capsule ob...
I still have other children who need mommy
Friday is Valentines day! I love this day as well I have been fortunate to
have a Valentine now for 15 years! I love that man but that is another post
Party of Five
Miss Vivienne Pathana (Pah-ten-ah) Horton, born at 6:05 PM, November 20,
2009, 8 lbs 9 oz, 21.25 inches long. Here she is at a mere three weeks old.
I cann...
Spring is here!
You can't believe how happy I am that Spring is here. I get so down and
depressed in the Winter. Only 3 more months till we can start trying to
have a baby...
Meeting #3
Today was my meeting with the social workers. Yes, its plural so that means
there was more than one at this meeting. There was also a woman from a